Young people’s experiences and feelings, particularly from the fallout of the pandemic, have
been overlooked. A survey conducted by Young Minds highlights how the pandemic has
negatively impacted young people mentally. To support young people, AAAFoundation has
launched the Leicester Young Contemporaries Exhibition (LYCAE). The exhibition will
feature work from young people, centred on the topic of the ‘new norm’. Taking place on the
24th of July, the exhibition, followed by a showcase, will display young people’s experiences,
and illustrate their artistic contributions.
AAAFoundation has invited artists aged 16-24 based in the Leicester/shire to submit artwork
in multiple forms. The exhibition will showcase young people’s work and include
photographs, drawings, poems, and paintings. The focus of the artwork will be on developing
coping mechanisms, which include mindfulness, the expression of thoughts and feelings,
exercise and art. Participants expressed their versions of the post-Covid “norm”, in the
form of creative/informative works. Through this, AAAFoundation hopes to provide a
coping mechanism to the young artists and give them a platform to showcase their work to a
wider audience.
The Art Exhibition is part of the ‘Transition into the New Norm’ project, a larger project
which aims to support the local community in recovering from the emotional trauma caused
by the pandemic.
The exhibition will take place in the Leicester Progressive Spiritual Centre, 4 St James
Street, Leicester LE1 3RE, on the 24th of July from 12 pm to 4 pm.
After the exhibition, eleven young artists will perform. Performances will feature dancers,
poets, rappers, and singers. The showcase will run from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.
Furthermore, AAAFoundation hopes to raise £1,000 through their Go Fund Me, with £170
raised so far. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event at £2 each, with £200 worth of raffle
tickets being sold so far.
The Art Exhibition demonstrates AAAFoundation’s support of the local and national art
community, alongside their commitment to celebrating young artists and uplifting them by
recognising their artistic contributions and mental health battles.
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